A very blurry but exciting picture of 10 Tamworth weaners (and their mums) we are collecting tomorrow.
We do sell some pork to various restaurants and butchers shops who already buy our beef and lamb. Great pork though is really hard to get consistently right when buying pigs in to slaughter to get the right size, 10 kilos either side of the right weight and you either have pork that’s too lean (which no one wants as it’s too dry) or pork that’s too fat (which no one wants as it’s too fatty).
We have had a few pigs but nothing like the amount we need to consistently supply quality pork.
So we found ourselves in this 40 acre larch, oak and ash wood in Cumbria which is part of a major regenerative agriculture project. They have to date had very little extra food other than their mother’s milk and whatever they forage for. We will be experimenting with keeping them as pastured pigs to raise for meat when we (possibly) collect them tomorrow. I don’t think we will achieve fully 100% free range pork with these ones but this marks the start of a journey to that.
I say possibly as it took us an hour to locate them last weekend. The kids loved shouting ‘here pigs, piggy piggy’ (as did I) and then all of a sudden the whole tribe of 7 sows and assorted piglets crashed out of a thicket. I’ll have regrets taking them from such an idyllic existence. There is some hard to describe quality about pigs that always makes me smile. 😂 .